Sunday, June 7, 2009


Since this is my first post, I'll take it easy on everyone. Am I the only one who feels like there is no answerability anymore? Recently it seems like the whole freakin' world has gone insane with incompetence and zero accountability. In almost every area of my life, (family excluded) everyone is passing the buck. No one returns calls, emails, or letters. And when they do get returned, they are returned late - and more often than not, without the information that was requested in the first place. Answers are absent, and customer service is even more elusive. No one takes pride in their job and employers have no loyalty for their employees. Good work is hard to find. So, why are companies so reluctant to reward their employers? Is it just the music business?????

Now look, I completely understand that times are tough. People are stressed. People are nervous and people are uneasy. But tell me, does that relieve people of their responsibilities? Does that give license for us to choose when and to whom we are responsible to? What the fu%* is going on?

In these moments of trepidation, this is exactly the time when people should be talking to each other. We should communicate. Talk through our problems and help each other find solutions. And can everyone stop pussy footing around? Say what the deal is. If you're not sure, then say you're not sure. If you know the deal, but are afraid of hurting someone's feelings, tell them what is going on. Trust me, they will appreciate the honesty and the fact that you are not wasting their time. 

Can we please make some efforts to be humans again? When we make a promise, let's keep it. When we make a statement, let's mean it. And when we make a commitment, let's honor it. 

Can I get an Amen?